History of Eyeglasses – Introduction Through Development

History of Eyeglasses
History of Eyeglasses
  • The history of eyeglasses is an interesting journey. Many credit Alessandro di Spina for introducing glasses in Italy in 1280, but there are earlier accounts of various magnifying lenses to aid in reading and writing far before this time.  A review of historical accounts, works of art, and other such telling documents, provides a loose timeline of the history of glasses.
  • Circa the year 1,000, monks used ground crystalline pieces referred to as ‘reading stones.’
  • Roger Bacon, the English philosopher, explored the use of ground lenses and documented his findings in his Opus Majus in 1268.
  • In the year 1298, glasses were mentioned in an Italian manuscript entitled “Traite de con uite de la Famille” by Sandra di Popozo. Di Popozo proclaimed that even though his age was causing him weak eyesight, he could read and write thanks to a new invention called spectacles.

History of Eyeglasses Manufacturing

History of Eyeglasses - Manufacturing

The first eyeglasses that came out during 1286, or the Medieval Period, were two pieces of glass or crystal stones. These were framed and did not sit on the face but instead were supported by a handle so that the glasses could be held close to the face.

It is also interesting to note that during the time eyeglasses were being used in Italy, glass production was at its peak in Venice. Just a few years before eyeglasses were first introduced, Venetian crystal workers formed a guild, which later developed a set of guidelines for manufacturing eyeglasses. These eyeglasses were rendered in a painting by Tommaso de Modena in the year 1352.

Developments in Eyeglasses

History of Eyeglasses - Developments

Spanish eyeglass manufacturers attached silk ribbons to the frames during the sixteen hundreds, which could be placed around the ears. Meanwhile, in China, ceramic and metal weights were attached to the silk ribbons to help to keep them in place.

It was not until 1730 that Dr. Edward Scarlett developed sidepieces sturdy enough to be placed on top of the ears.

Expert Opinion

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Quote: “In 1268 Roger Bacon made the earliest recorded comment on the use of lenses for optical purposes, but magnifying lenses inserted in frames were used for reading both in Europe and China at this time, and it is a matter of controversy whether the West learned from the East or vice versa. In Europe eyeglasses first appeared in Italy, their introduction being attributed to Alessandro di Spina of Florence.”

Source: Eyeglasses, Encyclopedia Britannica.

