How to Overwinter Dahlias

How to Overwinter Dahlias

How to Overwinter Dahlias

Dahlias are hardy perennials if you live in zones 8-10. However, if you live in zones 3-7, your dahlia tubers will not survive the winter. If you want to save them for planting next year, you will need to know how to overwinter dahlias.

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Digging Up Dahlia Tubers

A macro shot of a dahlia goldalia scarlet tuber.
A macro shot of a dahlia goldalia scarlet tuber.

Wait to dig your dahlia tubers until after the first fall frost. When this occurs, your dahlia plant’s green will be darker. Next, cut the plant to approximately 6 inches and dig into the soil carefully. The tuber can then be removed from the ground and reviewed for decay. You should look for the tuber to feature a bud or eye, which is a sign of health. After you have removed the tuber from the earth, you must store it indoors to prevent freezing.

Preparing Dahlia Tubers for Storage

the roots of dahlias dried in the autumn to store

You will then need to prepare your Dahlia tubers for winter storage. Carefully remove the soil and cleanse the tuber. The next step is to divide each healthy tuber into several sections and discard the main tuber from the Dahlia plant. Place your tubers into a plain plastic bag with aerating holes and add shredded paper. Your tubers must then be stored in a cool, dark location for the winter. Also, you will need to spray the tubers with small amounts of water and check them periodically to prevent rotting. Do not overwater.

When to Bring Dahlias Out of Storage

Dahlia tuber with a terracotta plant pot, tools and compost on a potting bench against a white background planting bulbs

When the ground has warmed during the spring, and there’s no sign of frost, your dahlia tubers are ready to be planted. Prepare the ground location for your plants by weeding and fertilizing the area. Next, plant each tuber with the eye set upwards and cover it with soil. You will also need to water the plants. Once the dahlia plant has begun to grow shoots, you can reproduce them further by cutting healthy sections from the dahlia’s growth and planting them in small pots.
